A solution for your well-being
I think that, above all, being healthy makes you happy, but it also works the other way around. I believe it’s much less likely for a happy man to fall ill than an unhappy man.

Bertrand Arthur William Russell

Thekkekara Jacob


Thekkekara Predip


Thekkekara Jacob

was born in India in 1936, to be precise in the state of Kerala, the home of Ayurveda. From a very early age he was influenced by his uncle, a doctor of Ayurveda medicine and his father, a farmer, becoming passionately interested in natural medicine and taking a degree in natural sciences in India.


Welcome to the website dedicated to the Soft Movement according to Thekkekara, a natural and painless solution for the well-being of the vertebral column. The human body is a perfect machine, every element it is made up of has a specific function of its own and everything  has to work perfectly to guarantee health and well-being: taking care of your vertebral column is the objective of the Soft Movement according to Thekkekara. In the various sections we explain what the various elements making up the vertebral column are and which functions they have. This will be followed by a section on Oriental Medicine, i.e. the principles and foundations on which the Soft Movement according to Thekkekara is based, to then end with the technical explanation of the Soft Movement.

We invite you to follow our blog where many articles will be published at regular intervals with useful suggestions and advice on how to stay fit naturally: we do not sell or suggest the purchase of any product on the blog and there will also be the chance for those who so wish to interact with the authors ...Jacob and Predip hope you enjoy reading it!!!
Oriental Medicine

Oriental Medicine

When we talk about Oriental Medicine, we think of a single discipline, but in actual fact it is much more complex as this expression covers many types of medicine, including some which are very different from one another...
Vertebral Column

Vertebral Column

The vertebral column (or backbone, or spine) is the complex system of bones that supports the bodies of what are known as vertebrates, i.e. living beings with a skeleton structure of bones and or cartilage...
Soft Movement

Soft Movement

Backache is pain of varying intensity that can be continuous or appear only in particular situations, for example, under effort. It can be localized in the lumbar region or in correspondence with the  sacral region or also involve...

Our e-books for sale

What is an ebook? To better learn about and understand the Soft Movement according to Thekkekara and the world of natural medicine...

